How ALT Can Reduce Inflammation & Chronic Pain

Assisted Lymphatic Therapy (ALT) can help to reduce inflammation and chronic pain by improving lymphatic flow and promoting the drainage of excess fluid and waste products from the body. When the lymphatic system is not functioning properly, fluid can build up in the tissues, causing swelling, inflammation, and pain.

Assisted Lymphatic Therapy (ALT) is non-invasive, painless, calming and relaxing. It is similar to having a light touch massage, but instead, the Certified Lymphatic Therapist (CLT) uses an instrument with two small handheld wands that are lightly and slowly moved across the body in a specific direction that correlates to the body’s lymphatic flow.

A combination of vibration, light and electrical waves help to stimulate the flow of the lymph by breaking up congested lymph fluid so that it can be flushed out of the body. Think of a jar of water with gelatin that is very thick and gelatinous, this is similar to congested lymph. If you shake the jar the liquid becomes more fluid. The vibration of the instrument works in the same way to break up the lymphatic congestion.

ALT can also help to reduce chronic pain by improving overall lymphatic function. Chronic pain can be caused by a buildup of metabolic waste products in the tissues. When the lymphatic system is not functioning properly, these waste products can accumulate, leading to increased pain and discomfort. By improving lymphatic flow and promoting the drainage of waste products, ALT can help to reduce chronic pain and improve overall comfort levels.

In addition to improving lymphatic function, ALT can also have a positive impact on the immune system. The lymphatic system plays an important role in the immune response, and by improving lymphatic flow, ALT can help to enhance immune function and reduce inflammation.

Overall, ALT can be an effective technique for reducing inflammation and chronic pain by improving lymphatic flow and promoting the drainage of excess fluid and waste products from the body.

If you are dealing with chronic pain or inflammation, give us a call to schedule an appointment today.


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